The Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP/DA) is a Medicaid program that allows low-income, disabled community residents an alternative to nursing home placement. Participants of the CAP/DA program are able to remain in their own home where they are most comfortable, while also receiving the care and supports they need to live the fullest life possible.
For those who wish to direct and have increased control over the services and supports arranged to meet their needs, CAP also offers a Consumer Directed (CAP/CD) program.
CAP/DA and CAP/CD services are available to individuals at least 18 years of age and older who are Medicaid eligible and whom their physician certifies as needing either Intermediate Care or Skilled Nursing level of care.
There are many benefits available to CAP/DA and CAP/CD participants based on individual needs. Our goal is to connect each participant with the resources they need so they can remain in their own home for as long as possible. We do this by providing participants with a variety of resources, which can include services such as Case Management, Adult Day Care, In-Home Aide services, medical supplies and equipment, home delivered meals, personal care, personal emergency response service, nutritional supplies, and skilled nursing services. Financial management is available for CAP/CD participants only.